SecAlliance, part of CSIS within the Allurity group, is a Cyber Threat Intelligence company specializing in managed cyber threat intelligence through its ThreatMatch platform, advanced threat analysis and strategic insights via its Consulting team, combined Cyber and Physical threat monitoring through its Fusion capability, and empowering threat intelligence sharing communities via its advisory services and ThreatMatch intelligence sharing platform. SecAlliance makes Intelligence Human.
SecAlliance offering
Consulting and Advisory
SecAlliance Consulting and Advisory team is highly accredited and certified to deliver world class threat assessments and supporting services. They have delivered hundreds of threat intelligence-led red team assessments under regulated frameworks such as TIBER, CBEST, GBEST, DORA, and iCAST. Our goal is to help organisations to not only defend against current threats but also anticipate and prepare for future risks, ensuring long-term security and success.
Intelligence Sharing Communities
SecAlliance has a unique experience in establishing and facilitating trusted cyber information and intelligence sharing communities (CIISI) for essential services and industries at sectoral, national, EU, and global levels. Additionally, we elevate existing ISACs to new heights by leveraging our seasoned threat intelligence capabilities, bringing valuable insights from diverse market segments, ecosystems, and network industries into the communities we support.
Managed Cyber Threat Intelligence
SecAlliance Managed Cyber Threat Intelligence Service, via the ThreatMatch platform, provides tailored continuous threat intelligence services; Domain & Brand Monitoring with Take Down Service to protect digital assets; Threat Intelligence to keep clients informed about ongoing cyber threats; Vulnerability Intelligence to alert on emerging technology vulnerabilities and exploitation; Digital Risk Protection services (DRPS) to detect data leaks across the clear and dark web; External Attack Surface Management (EASM) to assess potential attack vectors of external IP ranges; and Supply Chain Monitoring to breaches to critical service providers.
Intelligence Fusion
For many organisations, a holistic approach to addressing both digital and physical threats across the organisation, its supply chain, and its key personnel are of increasing importance to maintain resilience. The relevance and interconnection of cyber and physical threats are critical. SecAlliance provides its clients with continuous monitoring, analysis and reporting, with the knowledge to understand their threat environment (physical and cyber), enabling them to predict, prepare for, and defend against potential threats.